About me

Student software engineer with a passion for developing innovative programs that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. Continuously learning new technology and writing code to create systems that are reliable and user-friendly. Confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop websites that is customized to meet a company’s organizational needs, highlight their core competencies, and further their success.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.



  1. Valencia College

    2020 — Current

    Bachelor of Science

    Computer Science

  2. Sebring Highschool

    2014 — 2018


  1. IT Service Specialist

    2021 — Present

    IT professional with leadership and technical skills. Trusted and hard-working employee who excels in a fast-paced work environment.

My skills

  • Web Development
  • Front End Development
  • Backend Development


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